I have often looked at the inside of envelopes that arrive in the mail thinking that the print inside is often too pretty to be hidden away and I only really use them as note paper. I had made some single Kusudama flowers a while back and had a thought that maybe I could make some Kusudama balls with the pretty envelope prints. I formed them around a wooden chopstick and they remind me of a hydrangea. The nights have cooled and I don't feel like sitting at the sewing machine in the evening, so sitting in bed making these flowers seems a warmer option.
Monday, May 31, 2010
kusudama crazy
I have often looked at the inside of envelopes that arrive in the mail thinking that the print inside is often too pretty to be hidden away and I only really use them as note paper. I had made some single Kusudama flowers a while back and had a thought that maybe I could make some Kusudama balls with the pretty envelope prints. I formed them around a wooden chopstick and they remind me of a hydrangea. The nights have cooled and I don't feel like sitting at the sewing machine in the evening, so sitting in bed making these flowers seems a warmer option.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
a gift
About a year or so ago my mother had a large tree trimmed on her property with all that trimming came a tiny birds nest. Miss E keen to also have a little nest of her own has been looking out everywhere. On all our walks we have been looking, wishing and hoping that we would come across one of our very own, but with no luck. I started to think that maybe I could make one to satisfy this urge.
I had a pair of linen pants from the thrift store that I had in my stash. Cut a leg into a strip and crocheted a little nest shape. I wove silver birch fallen branches in and out of the crochet and them sewed some around the outside. I lined the nest with some florists moss (that was quickly discarded by miss E and hasn't been put back in, apparently "it doesn't need it mum"). I needle felted a few little eggs, I thought about doing some little papier mache eggs too but the needle felted ones were a quick option.
So it is now very much loved, I was asked "did a bird give it to you for me?" I wish I had thought about making one much earlier.
being brave
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Monday, May 24, 2010
getting cosy
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
outdoor knit
Friday, May 14, 2010
Happy weekend to you.
OK an update - I wrote to the NZ Gardner magazine and they identified these for me. Unfortunately they aren't edible, they suggest that they are Indian horse Chestnuts. the nuts are toxic and shouldn't be eaten but they are sometimes used in herbal preparations after treatment, boiling.
So there you go - if you spot some - don't eat them. They were however very fun to gather and now they will be delivered to the compost bin so all is not lost.
all the rest
Thursday, May 13, 2010
by request
There has been much discussion at my husband's work about how bananas were more deserving of a cozy than apples. Then a request came, "could I make a banana cozy?" Well obviously the answer was "yes". For a split second I thought I'd pop online to see if there was already a pattern out there, then thought - why not just make up my own, so that's what I did.
My husband told me he proudly whipped out his banana at work today and asked "jealous much?" hmmm, I'm not sure if they were but his banana was pleased I'm sure. If I get a chance over the weekend I might have a go at writing this pattern down as I didn't as I crocheted this one. but who knows I might get another request!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
chutney love
12 feijoas - I use medium sized ones
2 apples
2 onions
1 t salt
1 C vinegar (I use white)
1 T pickling spice (I grind mine done or you can tie it up in a muslin bag and throw it out at the end)
450g brown sugar
a small chunk of fresh ginger peeled and grated - approx thumb sized
Finely chop the feijoas, apples (both with skin still on) and onions. Put in a large pot with salt and pickling spice, vinegar and ginger - cook until soft. Add the sugar and simmer until thick. I use a stick blender to make it a bit less chunky - an optional step. Bottle in clean, sterilised jars.
yum! I love this chutney with cheese and crackers or added into a stew. Enjoy.
Monday, May 10, 2010
new clothes
No I haven't learnt to knit, but we were at a church gala over the weekend and miss E spotted this little pink jumper and thought it was perfect for her doll. I was worried it would be too small and was trying to get her to buy a super cute red cardi, but no the pink it was. A little bit of stretching later and it fitted. Now she's all set for the cooler days ahead.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
lucky me
all the rest
Friday, May 7, 2010
Over the last few weeks I've been collecting guavas on our walk to preschool. There are two large trees on the walk and I pick up a few each day. Today I had finally filled a large container in the freezer and decided to make some jam. It was a mixture of the red guavas and the yellow ones the fall from our neighbour's tree over the fence to below our washing line. Mainly red "guilty" guavas because this year the yellow ones seem to be eaten by the birds and very few are making it onto the ground without big holes in them. I feel ever so guilty about picking up the red guavas on our preschool walk, but if they are out on the footpath and no one is picking them up what a waste, right? I think guavas must have a high pectin content because I never have any problem getting it to set, I think it should be the only type of jam I ever make. Yum.
on the windowsill
Thursday, May 6, 2010
under the sea
In case you didn't know and you are a Aucklander - the museum is free for Aucklanders till the 31st of May.
Monday, May 3, 2010
to eat or not to eat
We do a lot of walking around town and miss E is a collector (yes, she gets that from me) of all sorts of things during our walks. Pine cones, small and large, seeds and seed pods, feijoas, guavas, pecans,leaves and the list goes on. There are many edible things in our garden too that she grazes upon too. There in lies the problem, there are heaps of plants and berries and seeds and nut like things out there that she can't eat and how does a four year old tell the difference? especially when there seem to be so many that are OK to eat.
I have been taking photos of the things we find as we find them and I've started to put together a little book, a reference guide for her so she knows what's OK and what's not. So yellow guavas that fall over our fence from our neighbours house are OK (although I really want them all saved up to make jam) and the beautiful toadstools that we found on a walk last week are not OK. I'm leaving a little space to write in the names of all the things so we both can learn the proper names. Hopefully this little book in combination of asking mummy first will mean no calls to the poison line!
all the rest
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