Saturday, July 11, 2009

having a ball

After seeing lots of pictures of flower balls in magazines, I thought I'd give one a go. But as I'm more into growing food than flowers I thought a strawberry ball might be a better idea. Basically it's just two hanging baskets joined together with the hanging chains and some cable ties. You poke holes in the fibre liners for the plants to grow through and plant each basket separately before joining them together. The poor plants are looking a bit droopy after the shock of being transplanted, but come Christmas time I hope there will be a mass of berries - for us - not the birds. I used about 20 strawberry plants for the ball, all runners from my existing plants. With a few flowers already forming on the plants I'm already thinking of spring.

1 comment :

  1. This is awesome. Be sure to post pictures of this when it takes off!


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