Friday, February 12, 2010


It's been a busy week with a real sense of adventure in our lives. We were caught out in a summer rainstorm on our walk home from preschool. It was really heavy rain that quickly filled the gutters along the side of the road and the pavement started to get covered in water too. Without proper wet weather gear we quickly became soaked, our summer shoes waterlogged and slippery. They were quickly discarded, walking barefoot the rest of the way home, splashing in every large puddle we came across. Had it been the middle of winter it would have been a miserable experience but being the middle of summer the temperature was still high and we loved every minute of it (me perhaps more than miss E, it's not often I get to splash in puddles). Needless to say it was raining too hard for photos although I was very tempted.

A few days later on a walk we spotted a tree covered in cicada shells, miss E (nearly 4) had never seen so many of them in one place before. We quickly gathered them all up and I mean ALL of them, apparently we couldn't leave any of them behind, "they are a family and must stay together". They were her special news when I was mother help at preschool the next day. I love how her news is always nature inspired or handmade things, like they are the most newsworthy for sharing, and rightly so.

I love to watch all the wonder and excitement caused by these simple little adventures, they cost nothing, and mean the world to me.

1 comment :

  1. Oh wow, that top photo takes me back. I used to love finding cicada shells every summer growing up. My brother and I would spend hours hunting them down and putting them on every surface, including each other. Glad to find a fellow kiwi mum!


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