Thursday, February 14, 2013


Melissa of Tiny happy shared a recipe for Turkish Delight on her blog recently, it's something I've always wanted to try making - I was inspired! I visited my local "mini mart" it's filled with all sorts of exotic things , they had, the rose water needed of course. The man there always seems to convince me to buy some pistachios at the counter, it's always worth it, they are the best pistachios around, freshly roasted and taste a million times better than supermarket ones and some of them actually get home to share (ok that's sometimes true). The Turkish delight was super easy to make and even my husband is converted (after protesting that he didn't like it and didn't want to try it, hmmm). I probably should have taken a photo of it before the hungry hoards, and my creative fibre group had taken the best looking bits, I did actually cut some nice square pieces, promise. It's amazingly soft and tastes so good, like "velvet roses" I've been told.

I found this vintage house dress/coat today on the $0.50c rack, it's quite stunning cotton fabric. The roses have that "hand painted" look and it's in excellent condition, score! I love the faux wood grain look.

1 comment :

  1. hooray! so glad you enjoyed the turkish delight. and i love that rose fabric- you find the best things :)


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