We recently found a great source of free pecans, there are two large trees at preschool. So many had fallen all over the ground so Miss E & I gathered up quite a few of them up. The shelling takes a lot longer than I
anticipated, but the results are well worth it, the nuts are much more tasty than the store bought ones. They are delicious on the top of cakes and our favourite way to use them up, other than gobble them up fresh, is in mini pecan pies. I found the recipe on the back of the Chelsea brown sugar packet, but it's
here on the Chelsea website too. I've made this recipe quite a few times and I've found the filling quantity is enough for a couple of batches of the pastry, so I always double the pastry quantity. Which is a good thing as they
disappear fast anyway. We put all the bits of shell into the compost, hopefully they break down well.