I found these fabulous flannel pants that I thought perhaps my husband would wear, but alas a bit too adventurous for him. Perhaps too adventurous for the original owner too as they were in perfect condition. They seemed perfect for upcycling.
Then the exciting part, what to make?
It seems like after such a dry spell of friends having babies that there is a new wave of life coming into the world. I used to crochet most of my baby gifts, small booties and hats, I used that as a starting point when choosing something to make.
I chose two patterns from the Twig and tale website, two patterns I've never sewn before. The Wayfarer Shoes and the versatile Evergreen Bonnet (So many options!)
I forgot to take a photo of the lining fabric, but it was a soft wool vest. I added a few extra snaps on the bonnet to give it maximum wear.
I used some of the trim from the pants as little pulls for the back of the shoes, making it easier to get them off and on. I was so surprised how quickly they worked up! Such a fabulous pattern that I can see will be my "go to"pattern now to make for gifts. I'm about to make up a stash of them!
I used the wool vest for the soles and lining of the Wayfarer shoes too. I had thought I'd cut into a leather jacket for the soles, but the wool has more stretch to it and perhaps will be worn just that little bit longer. But if I was making them for older kids ie walkers I think leather would be a much better option.
I'm about to wrap up this little "Welcome to the world!", knowing my gift will be as original as the wee babe that will wear it!
My post is just a small part of a fabulous tour of bloggers and their upcycled Twig and Tale creations. You can read more about it here.
Rafflecopter: Link up:
Day one: Sew Shelly Sew - Handmade Boy -Nap time Creations - Boevenbende
Day two: Stylin Stacy - The Craftingfiend - Gaafmachine -While she was sleeping
Day three: Huisje Boompje Boefjes -Life in our busy household - The Crazy Tailor - Sew Sophie Lynn
Day four: Crafty like a Rox - The Wolf and the Tree - NZ Green Buttons -Vera Luna - Paisley Roots