Thursday, June 23, 2011

a stitch in time

I love to have a stack of blank cards at hand to send and give to friends. I'd recently come to the bottom of my stack and needed to replenish my stocks. All my book buying at secondhand sales means I've often got lots of books for upcycling into cards. I had a lovely embroidery book that was falling to pieces and me with no talent for embroidery lead me to start with that one. I can see me sending little notes to other crafty friends, who knows maybe they could learn a new stitch?

I also had a very pretty botanical book that had a great section on Orchids. Stunning illustrations that must have taken many, many hours to complete.

I've got a bit of a surplus of cards now so I added a few sets in my Etsy shop.


  1. they are lovely. I like the idea of learning a new stitch!

  2. I love your cards, I still have the red riding hood one you sent me! Such a cute idea!


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